Promoting the needs of the gifted in North Dakota through

advocacy, education, and research.


 If you want to learn more about the topic of academic acceleration, this is an important place to start. 


National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)

NAGC's aim is to help parents and families, K-12 education professionals including support service personnel, and members of the research and higher education community who work to help gifted and talented children. 

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Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development

UConn faculty and research teams are leading experts in giftedness, creativity, and talent development. In addition to other large research projects, the Center houses the nation's only federally-funded research center in gifted education (National Center for Research on Gifted Education [NCRGE]).

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

SENG provides support through a variety of programs, all aimed to be inclusive and accessible. We offer online support groups for gifted, talented and twice-exceptional individuals and their parents/guardians, online SENGinars with leading experts, in-person regional mini-conferences and an annual conference, SENG Model Parent Groups (SMPG) and Facilitator Training, SENG Library, SENGVine e-newsletter, Continuing Education courses for professionals, workshops, and more!

Curriculum Resources

Curriculum & Professional Development 

Borenson & Associates has designed a system to teach students to understand and solve algebraic equations, and most recently a hands on system for understanding and solving problems with fractions. This is an outstanding curriculum model to develop students' deep mathematical understanding of abstract ideas.


Center for Gifted Education 

William & Mary

Curricular units for all content areas

The Great Books Foundation

Curriculum & Professional Development

K - 12 +

For more than 70 years, Great Books has been training teachers in the Shared Inquiry™ method, publishing engaging classroom materials, and creating educational programs that develop critical thinking skills, reflective thinking, strengthen social and civic engagement, and reach new and underserved audiences. Their books and professional development training programs are available on digital platforms and accessible on all devices.

Kendall Hunt Publishing

Curriculum K - 12

Kendall Hunt has a division devoted to the publication of high quality resources for gifted learners. Their resources span K-12 and include all content areas. Examples include Project M2 and M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds, as well as, William & Mary units designed for gifted. 

Strategies for Teaching Gifted Learners



Gifted Child Today (GCT), offers timely information about teaching and parenting gifted and talented children. The journal provides critical information for teachers and administrators involved with gifted children. GCT includes articles about topics such as teaching strategies in gifted education, building a more effective gifted and talented program, and working with gifted children with learning disabilities.


Gifted Child Quarterly (GCQ) publishes original research and new and creative insights about giftedness and talent development in the context of the school, the home, and society. Each issue offers quantitative and qualitative research studies that explore the characteristics of gifted students, program models, curriculum and other important areas that maximize the development and education of gifted students.

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