Promoting the needs of the gifted in North Dakota through

advocacy, education, and research.

Families Learning about Giftedness

NDAGC welcomes you as an integral member of our organization! NDAGC strives to support and connect our members as they learn about the needs of individuals with gifts and talents.

NDAGC'S Quarterly Newsletter includes which features articles especially for families. Check out the articles below in our archive for past features which may be of interest to you:

 January 2022  Parent Corner Feature: Creating a Pollinator Garden
 April 2022  Parent Corner Feature: Gifted Parenting: What I Wish I Knew
 April 2022  Parent Corner Feature: Advocating for Your Gifted Child
 July 2022 Teacher Corner Feature: Family and Teacher Communication: Fostering a Team Approach
 January 2023  Virtual Learning Opportunities for Parents
 April 2023  Parent Corner Feature: Balancing Summer Fun With Learning
 July 2023  An Open Letter to NDAGC Families
 Januaury 2024 Presidents Message:  Celebrating Potential: The Shared Role in Supporting the Needs of Gifted Learners
 April 2024 Presidents Message: The Merits of Mentorship
 April 2024 Parent Corner Feature:  How to Challenge and Enrich Gifted Children at Home

Additional resources and organizations NDAGC recommends for further learning are:

 NAGC National Association for Gifted Children
 SENG Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Connecting with Others

NDAGC has begun hosting GIFTed (Guiding Individuals and Families Together) Gathering events in Fargo, ND. Our organization plans to continue these events, and hopes to expand them to other cities in our state. To ensure you are informed of upcoming GIFTed Gatherings, become a member of NDAGC today!

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NDAGC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a state affiliate of .

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