Promoting the needs of the gifted in North Dakota through

advocacy, education, and research.

NDAGC Ignite GT Integration Activities and Resources! 2023 #2

  • Tuesday, April 11, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Join Zoom:

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You are invited to the ND Association for Gifted (NDAGC) LIVE IGNITE Session.

Tuesday, April 11 from 7:00-8:30 pm CT

NDAGC Ignite GT Integration Activities and Resources!  2023 #2

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Join Alicia Schroeder-Schock, Anna Adrover, and Julie Jaeger as we work through student publishing, ramping up any activity with research, geometric constructions, and more.

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Full Schedule listed below....hope you can join us! 

7:00 Introductions

7:05    Becoming Published Authors and Illustrators through Student Treasures Publishing     

          Gr K-5            Alicia Schroeder-Schock 

Joe Renzulli often speaks of the importance of acting as a practicing professional and engaging in activities that are presented to an authentic audience. Student Treasures Publishing is a free resource where learners collaborate to write, illustrate, and publish a book. In doing so they also develop various skill sets such as when to have a page break and how to create smooth transitions between multiple authors. Throughout the process learners become heavily invested in what they are doing and end with a product they are proud of and eager to share with others.

7:25.   Turn any Passion or Interest Into a Vehicle for Students to Engage with Their World   

              Gr 3-5+      Anna Adrover

Whether a topic of interest or a skill, any passion can become a medium in which the world is explored. Providing students opportunities to research the history, cultural influences, personal history, and extensions into the community of a common or personal topic of interest deepens their understanding and appreciation for its influence and creates a culture of enthusiasm for deeper learning.  

7:45  Geometric Constructions: Exploring Elements of Geometry through Artistic Applications  

          Gr 3-8.      Julie Jaeger

Learn how to engage students in the process of discovering the elements and vocabulary of the circle. This creative application to geometry allows them to discover the properties as they create beautiful designs. Be ready to participate and have some fun with this integration. You just need 2-4 sheets of paper, 2 pencils, and 2 paper clips (large work best but either will do). 

8:10 Another PETS integration Idea: Visual Nursery Rhymes

         Gr 3-6+

Visual thinking and imagery offers students to stretch their brains and thoughts. This quick review of the activity gives you an activity to explore and one students truly enjoy. 

8:25 Closing

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